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 KPI - Decimal Values as Goal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WildCard Posted - 03/24/2015 : 02:19:34

we've got another problem creating a KPI. It seems not possible to set a decimal value as Goal manually. When we try "0.5" for instance, it always gets formatted as 5. "0,5" however, is formatted as 0. Am I doing sth wrong or is there a fix for that?

We are using Build 188.
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WildCard Posted - 03/25/2015 : 02:54:49
I'm using point as Thousands Separator. And on the demo server I can successfully use decimal values as Goal in KPI. As decimal separator for that I used a point.

When I do exactly the same on our server and then save the KPI, the point is automatically deleted. As mentioned, the goal 0.5 transforms to 5 when saving the KPI and opening it in View Mode.
admin Posted - 03/24/2015 : 13:36:03
What value do you have set under Admin Settings > Thousands Separator?

Can you reproduce this on the demo server?

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