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 Excel export

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fdranguet Posted - 11/16/2009 : 08:35:43

I am running Report Portal for a company implanted in multiple countries; obviously, they are not using all the same separators for displaying thousands or decimals. While we can accomodate to have only one common set of separators for everyone in Report Portal, this is impacting the export to Excel functionality because if I am located in a country using a different set of separators than the common one, figures exported to Excel will be badly formatted, and I would not be able to exploit them unless to change those separators manually.

Would it be possible to pick the "local" settings from the computer accessing to Report Portal when exporting to Excel to get rid off that issue ? If not, is there any way to fix that ? Many thanks.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 09/06/2012 : 14:12:17
1. In the drill through window, how many rows and columns are you trying to export to excel? Can you please send the full screenshot of the error page to

2. Please go to Admin > Settings > OLAP Report > Exporting > uncheck “Export Chart image to Excel”
sterling Posted - 09/06/2012 : 00:14:38
by the way, a new issue is occuring now.
when you open a drill through and you select the Export to excel function, we get an error(Transleted from German):
"Server error in application /ReportPortal"
"Maximum request time exeeded "
The error happends if the Drilltrough is a bit longer
Do you habe an Idea how to fix that issue ?

There is an other topic that apears with the latest RP version
After clicking on export to excel, a popup apears saying:
"to export the chart image to excel please:"
"open the generated ...... cut .... and paste ....."
But you don't need to do this, as the image apears in excel dirctly !
Is there a way to disable that popup message ?

many thanks for your help

With kind regards
sterling Posted - 09/04/2012 : 14:03:33
i did not know that option ...
I've just made some tests, and it looks great !

many thanks

With kind regards
admin Posted - 09/04/2012 : 12:25:39
For OLAP report, please try this option: Admin > Settings > OLAP Report > Exporting > Localize Excel Exporting
sterling Posted - 09/04/2012 : 09:18:22
[i]Originally posted by admin[/i]

Which build of ReportPortal do you have installed?

Thank you for the fast reply
We are using:
ReportPortal 4.0, Build 179, May 10, 2012

With kind regards
admin Posted - 09/03/2012 : 20:12:13

Which build of ReportPortal do you have installed?
sterling Posted - 09/03/2012 : 14:32:09

i come back to this topic. We still have the issue with the decimal separators.
Unfortunatelly it is not possible to replicate the issue on your demo server.
Let me try to explain the issue.
The Report Portal Server is running on a server with an English OS and with "." (dot) as decimal separator.
People located in France or Germany has the client pc's setup in there local language an the decimal separator they are using is "," (comma).
The report-portal Olap-reports are always displayed with the decimal separator set on the server, no matter of the setting in the client.
That is not wery nice, but we could live with it. The real issue comes when we export the report to excel, the figure are interpreted by excel as a text or even as a date, This is real problem for our users

Could you please help us in that matter ?

Many Thanks,

With kind regards
marco Posted - 12/14/2010 : 10:51:02

What is exactly the problem and what do you see or would you like to see for your own server ?

Can you replicate it with the demo server on internet ?

Regards, Marco
sterling Posted - 12/14/2010 : 06:10:07

we are having the same problem, since users from several european countries and also from US and Canada are using the same reportportal server.
We have updated to the latest RP buid, but the problem still remains.
Are there some special setings to do in order to have that feature enabled ?

many thanks for your help !

With kind regards
fdranguet Posted - 02/09/2010 : 23:57:57
Great !

Many thanks, your help is much appreciated !

admin Posted - 02/09/2010 : 02:26:40
This issue should be addressed in the next build (169). If you need an urgent fix please contact support at:
fdranguet Posted - 02/05/2010 : 00:03:50

any news regarding this issue ? Many thanks.

fdranguet Posted - 12/07/2009 : 23:59:07

I think both would be ideal, but actually for me the critical ones are OLAP reports.

Thanks again !

admin Posted - 12/07/2009 : 22:01:41
Do you need this feature implemented for OLAP or SQL report?
fdranguet Posted - 12/04/2009 : 06:47:07

thanks for your answer. I had a look on the options you pointed out, none of them seems to have an impact on the excel files generated from Report Portal. Besides, I need to be able to set a parameter at the user level, not a global one because I am handling users from different countries.

Any idea on what to do for fixing this situation ? If, for instance, the language set for a given user was used as a parameter to generate an excel file with the proper separators, that would be great...

Thanks again !

admin Posted - 12/03/2009 : 01:42:56
It is not currently possible for "local" settings from the browser to be used when exporting to Excel.

For site/connection level settings, please try to modify:

1) Admin > Connections > (Type = XMLA URL) > Language

2) Admin > Settings > SQL Report > Culture

3) The Locale setting in Web.config (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\Web.config) like:

globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US"

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