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 Calculated fields not showing

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RichardLees Posted - 12/16/2015 : 19:36:34
I am an administrator of several ReportPortal applications that front Microsoft OLAP cubes.

Most of the applications are working fine. However I have one that does not show calculated fields.

I have created several calculated fields in the Measures dimension as private or public. None of them are visible in the field list.

I can see the private and public calculated fields in the ReportPortal database and tablename=CalculatedField. They appear to be populating correctly.

What should I be looking for to make these calcs visible in the field list.

Thank you

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 01/13/2016 : 23:58:45
Deleting the connection works with your database... Have you tried deleting the browser cache?
RichardLees Posted - 01/13/2016 : 15:39:31
Thank you. I will get our Operations team to try it out.

By the way, did I understand your comment that a workaround is to remove the cache? This did not appear to work.

admin Posted - 12/23/2015 : 02:24:23
Please try this fix:

1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal(_191)\admin\connections.js"
3. Clear browser cache
4. Go to Admin > Connections > XMLA Connection > Reset Cache
admin Posted - 12/23/2015 : 01:20:26
Thanks for the database. The problem is related to connection cache. (A problem with ampersands in names like S&T.) It goes away once the connection cache is deleted. For now this is the workaround. You will receive the fix once the problem is resolved.
RichardLees Posted - 12/22/2015 : 01:08:36
Yes, I did reset the cache. I'm about to send you the ReportPortal backup.

Thank you,

admin Posted - 12/22/2015 : 00:30:56
Did you try to delete the connection cache? Can you please send the backup of ReportPortal database?
marco Posted - 12/21/2015 : 19:57:20
Do you see in reportportal admin > db admin the Calculated Fields and did you do a connection cache refresh ?
RichardLees Posted - 12/21/2015 : 17:04:40
I did try the following
1. Delete all records from dbo.CalculatedField
2. Reset cache
3. Create public and private calculations

I could still not see any of the calculations in the field list.

Note, I have noticed that I can see the new calculations in the Metadata pane of the Add Calculated Field popup. So, it can pick up the calc but not from the field list of the edit report screen.

Does that give you any ideas on the cause?

Thank you,

admin Posted - 12/21/2015 : 15:17:53
Can you please backup your ReportPortal database, zip and send it to
RichardLees Posted - 12/21/2015 : 15:00:52
Thank you Admin.

No, the ServerName has not changed. I can see the calcs in dbo.CalculatedFied with the correct ServerName, DatabaseName, CubeName and Dimension. The SourceText is also good.

The only thing that changed was a new version of the cube was deployed.

Note, now it will not even display a new calc that is public and used in a new report.

Could it have anything to do with translations or perhaps one of the existing calcs is bad and preventing all others from displaying?

Thank you,

admin Posted - 12/17/2015 : 01:48:00
Was the name of the SSAS server changed? CalculatedField table has ServerName column. The name has to match the Report.ServerName.

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