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 KPI with SQL Report

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rbarrientos Posted - 10/29/2007 : 10:46:46
I have some SQL Reports from my Production Server, they are some indicators from KEY Entry task, I want show it from KPI, I'm sure that I have DATA in this Reports but the KPI DON'T SHOW nothing.
With OLAP Report this work all OK. Some Help..

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admin Posted - 04/13/2016 : 19:43:01
Suppose you have a table with data like:

Emp_id Name Age
1 Kevin 37
2 Mary 23

Row: 1, Column: 3 will give you 37 and Row: 2, Column: 3 will give you 23.

WildCard Posted - 04/13/2016 : 04:27:54
I'm having the same issue. How can I identify the number of the target column in the sql report?
admin Posted - 10/30/2007 : 09:26:44
KPI Report treats SQL reports differently form OLAP reports. For an OLAP report, the column position is the position for the cell data. For the SQL report, the column position relative to the entire grid. The reason for this is that SQL report does not have a row header. Please try to change the column position and try again.

If you still have the problem, please send details to

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