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 Report Portal opens inside itself recursively

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dgarcia Posted - 03/25/2015 : 14:14:56
When I click on Design > SSRS Server and then select one of the RDL based reports in my menu, Report Portal opens again in the main frame or div. If I click another report name, another copy or Report Portal will open in the new copy's main frame/div. I can only get this to stop happening by restarting Report Portal, and I can successfully update my files once. But, after I have viewed something, this problem seems to happen consistently now.

Has anyone else seen this?

Dan R. Garcia
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 03/30/2015 : 19:56:34
dgarcia Posted - 03/30/2015 : 08:05:22
Hello admin,

I am working as a contractor for a site, and it does not allow me to to check for updates. Would you be able to message me directly to discuss how I can gain this privilege?

Thank you!

Dan R. Garcia
admin Posted - 03/27/2015 : 14:23:33
Can you please try to upgrade to the latest build and see if the problem goes away?
dgarcia Posted - 03/27/2015 : 04:59:31
This is:

ReportPortal 4.0, Build 187, July 8, 2014

Dan R. Garcia
admin Posted - 03/26/2015 : 20:32:27
Which version of ReportPortal do you have? (Admin > Settings > Version)
dgarcia Posted - 03/26/2015 : 05:01:35

1. When you say that you “select one of the RDL based reports in my menu”, do you mean the ReportPortal reports in the left Report Tree panel or the SSRS report under the connection drop-down?

>> This happens after I have clicked SSRS Server in the Design drop-down, and then click a report in the left Report Tree panel.

2. Can you see this problem in design (Design > SSRS Server) and the view modes?

>> This only happens in the Design > SSRS Server mode; it does not appear to happen in the view mode. However, it seems to happen once I have entered view mode and then switch to SSRS Server > Design

3. Can you reproduce this problem on the demo server?

>> I cannot reproduce this in the demo server; the demo server seems to be a different version than what I am using.

Dan R. Garcia
admin Posted - 03/25/2015 : 20:42:01
1. When you say that you “select one of the RDL based reports in my menu”, do you mean the ReportPortal reports in the left Report Tree panel or the SSRS report under the connection drop-down?

2. Can you see this problem in design (Design > SSRS Server) and the view modes?

3. Can you reproduce this problem on the demo server?

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