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 Problem with viewing created reports

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PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/03/2014 : 01:06:54
I have a problem with viewing created reports wich are conected to OLAP cube.
The reports were working ok until yesterday.
Now when i run report i don't see any information on screen except message that is ''Loading...''.

What could be the problem?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PrimaCommerce Posted - 12/04/2014 : 23:44:54
Thanks for quick reply.

This solved my problem.

admin Posted - 12/04/2014 : 23:39:04
Please remove browser cache (shift-control-delete) and try again.

If the problem persists, in IE enable JavaScript debugging (Internet Options > Advanced > uncheck "Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)") and try again to see the error.
PrimaCommerce Posted - 12/04/2014 : 23:08:41

I just finished installation of full ReportPortal version, and I'm getting ''Loading'' when I try to run any of my reports.

What can be the problem?

admin Posted - 08/10/2014 : 13:15:57
Please open the IIS admin and change the .net framework of the application pool used by the ReportPortal to 4.0.
PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/10/2014 : 10:16:28
[i]Originally posted by marco[/i]

You can uninstall ReportPortal and during uninstall you can decide to delete or keep the ReportPortal repository database in SQL Server.

During installation you can decide to use a new or existing ReportPortal database.

Regards, Marco

I reinstalled ReportPortal again and I get the message

''Parser Error Message: Unrecodnized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribure names are case-sensitive.

and 51 line in config file were the error ocures is:

compliation debug="true" defaultLanguage="vb" targetFramework="4.0"

How can I fix this?

marco Posted - 08/08/2014 : 12:42:14

You can uninstall ReportPortal and during uninstall you can decide to delete or keep the ReportPortal repository database in SQL Server.

During installation you can decide to use a new or existing ReportPortal database.

Regards, Marco
PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/08/2014 : 10:44:18
[i]Originally posted by admin[/i]
[br]Do you have evaluation version? If yes, please download the latest evaluation, uninstall and re-install. You might also need to delete the browser cache.


If i uninstall and again install evaluation version what happens with reports that I already created?
Can I export them and again import them?

marco Posted - 08/03/2014 : 12:12:23

So you can connect to the OLAP Cube with XMLA connection.

Is it possible to add a new OLAP Report with Design > OLAP Report and use the XMLA connection ?

If this is working I don't see why you can't open the existing OLAP Report in Design mode to use it.

If nothing changed in the cube (structure) and if you don't have cached OLAP Cube in ReportPortal XMLA connections it should be working. Maybe you added a calculated measure based on a measure which is not available or the name might be changed ?

Best regards,
PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/03/2014 : 08:17:28
[i]Originally posted by marco[/i]

Are the cubes available ?

Can you test in admin > connections > xmla connection if this is working correct.

Regards, Marco

Hi, Marco

yes the cubes are available and I can connect with xmla.

marco Posted - 08/03/2014 : 03:52:48

Are the cubes available ?

Can you test in admin > connections > xmla connection if this is working correct.

Regards, Marco
admin Posted - 08/03/2014 : 03:21:26
When did you purchase the license? Please send the order number to
PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/03/2014 : 03:07:43
[i]Originally posted by admin[/i]
[br]If you have the evaluation version, the Login page will say: “Evaluation will expire in…”

When I'm connecting to report portal I don't get this message.
Is there anything else that can cause this behavior?
admin Posted - 08/03/2014 : 03:03:41
If you have the evaluation version, the Login page will say: “Evaluation will expire in…”
PrimaCommerce Posted - 08/03/2014 : 02:59:01
[i]Originally posted by admin[/i]
[br]Do you have evaluation version? If yes, please download the latest evaluation, uninstall and re-install. You might also need to delete the browser cache.

How can i check do I have evaluation version?

I deleted the browser chace and i stil cant run report.

admin Posted - 08/03/2014 : 02:22:34
Do you have evaluation version? If yes, please download the latest evaluation, uninstall and re-install. You might also need to delete the browser cache.

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