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 Build 184, Nov 18, 2013
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Posted - 11/18/2013 :  05:58:56  Show Profile

1. Crystal and dashboard report can now be scheduled. Dashboard sub-reports will be exported and merged into a single PDF or ZIP file

2. Multi-select filter support for Crystal, SQL and SQL view (template based) reports

3. OLAP Report
- Report actions: ability to add application-level actions under the Actions panel and the calculated members dialog
- Chart Options > new Scale option: K
- New map: Indonesia
- Write back: prevent the update of calculated measure
- Defer update option will now defer execution when a filter value is changed
- Conditional formatting: ability to add "null"
- Add calculated member new Euro formatting options
- Drillthrough - better column captions
- Connection dialog will now hide measure groups that have no visible measures

4. Dashboard
-Ability to add filters for SQL reports
- New "Add HTML" panel feature
- Setting the Refresh rate will not make sub-reports flicker
- Options > Hide title bar in view mode
- Options > Filter Columns and Label Position - for SQL filters

5. SQL Report
- Ability to rename table headers via GUI in SQL-Reports
- Support DMX nested tables
- Exporting CSV - Filter values are split into separate lines
- Paging dialog - no paging button
- Filter design: manual list to be preserved the when the number of records is changed
- A duplicate table alias not to be allowed

6. ROLAP Report
- Column values will show only non-empty members
- calculated measures can now use Sum and other aggregation functions

7. Data Entry - Options: Allow record history insert and update

8. Wiki/Blog - Ability to add report for IE 10+ and non-IE browsers

9. Hyperlink > ability to use security tokens in URL: ::UserId, ::UserName, ::NtUserId, #9702;::Email

10. OWC: Connection dialog UI is improved

11. Admin > Settings
- Report Tree > Hide Report Tree for iPad
- Approve > Inherit Parent Approvers
- Subscriptions > Snapshots per report limit
- Filter selection will not cache when the locale of report creator and the report viewer is different
- OLAP >
* Cache filter selection
* Disable Multi Select Switching
* Defer Layout Update
* Defer Layout Update on Top
* Hide Calculated measure MDX tooltip
* Server timeout (in seconds)
* Chart position

12. Admin > Themes
- New class ".FilterTableSelected" to highlight selected filters
- New class ".DeferredButton" to highlight the deferred Update button.

13. Other
- Session will not expire in the design mode
- Improved localization
- IE 10 Support: Ability to resize dialog content
- PDF Export: Cell padding
- Excel XSLX Exporting:
- cell formatting
- in case of an error the error description will be inserted into excel cell
- Report folder view to show Owner, Last date updated only to user who can edit the report

Bug fixes:

1. OLAP Report
- Displaying parent-child attributes in columns works only for the first hierarchy level
- bug saving a report with zoom
- Exporting CSV - header is shifted to the left
- Date Calculations are not preserver for saved reports

2. ROLAP Report - Chart includes header when it is numeric

3. KPI Report > bug viewing a selected a report for Current Value Report

4. DB Admin > error when selecting "Set Connection"

5. Admin > Edit Report Schema - 'Modify the report schema?' message

6. Usage Logging creates double entries
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