using System.Data.OleDb;


partial class ReportList : System.Web.UI.Page



    private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)




    public string GetReportList()


        string sURLIntegration = GetSetting("URLIntegration");


        if (sURLIntegration != "True")


            return "URL Integration is not enabled.  Please go to Admin > Settings > Security";



        string sReportType = Request.QueryString["reportType"];

        string sFolderId = Request.QueryString["folderId"];

        bool bShowEdit = (Request.QueryString["edit"] == "1");


        string sSql = "SELECT r.ReportId, r.ReportName, r.ReportType, t.DesignImg FROM Report r INNER JOIN ReportType t ON r.ReportType = t.ReportType";


        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFolderId))


            sSql += " WHERE FolderId = " + sFolderId;


        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sReportType))


            sSql += " WHERE ReportType = " + sReportType;



        sSql += " ORDER BY ReportName";


        OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sSql, GetConnection());

        OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();


        sb.Append("<table border=0>\n");



        while (dr.Read())


            string sReportName = (string) dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("ReportName"));

            string sDesignImg = (string) dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("DesignImg")) + "";

            string iReportId = (string) dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("ReportId"));


            string sViewFunction = GetJsFunction(iReportId, 0);

            string sImg = "<IMG SRC='images/ext/" + sDesignImg + "' width=18 height=16 BORDER='0'>";



            sb.Append("<td><a href=\"javascript:" + sViewFunction + "\">" + sImg + "</a></td>\n");

            sb.Append("<td><a href=\"javascript:" + sViewFunction + "\">" + sReportName + "</a></td>\n");


            if (bShowEdit)


                string sImgEdit = "<IMG SRC='images/edit.gif' width=17 height=14 BORDER='0' title='Edit'>";

                string sDesignFunction = GetJsFunction(iReportId, 1);

                sb.Append("<td><a href=\"javascript:" + sDesignFunction + "\">" + sImgEdit + "</a></td>\n");









        return sb.ToString();



    public string GetSecurityTokenMode()


        return GetSetting("SecurityTokenMode");



    private string GetJsFunction(string sReportId, int iViewMode)


        return "GetReport(" + sReportId + "," + iViewMode + ")";



    private OleDbConnection GetConnection()


        string sFilePath = Server.MapPath("xmla.udl");

        string sConnectionString = "File Name=" + sFilePath;

        OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(sConnectionString);






        catch (Exception ex)


            Response.Write("Could not connect to the database.  Please double click " + sFilePath + " and point it to ReportPortal database.  Make sure to save the connection and check the option to 'Allow saving password'.");




        return cn;



    public string GetToken(int iSecurityLevel)


        string sMode = GetSecurityTokenMode();

        if (sMode == "1" | sMode == "2" | sMode == "3")


            string sSql = "exec GetSecurityToken @SecurityLevel=" + iSecurityLevel;

            return GetSingleSqlValue(sSql);



        return "";



    private string GetSetting(string sKey)


        string sSql = "SELECT ParamValue FROM AppSettings WHERE Param ='" + sKey + "'";

        return GetSingleSqlValue(sSql);



    public string GetSingleSqlValue(string sSql)


        string sRet = null;

        OleDbConnection cn = GetConnection();

        OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sSql, cn);




            sRet = (string) cmd.ExecuteScalar();


        catch (Exception ex)


            throw new Exception(ex.Message + "; SQL: " + sSql);




        return sRet;



